Source code for dagster._core.definitions.unresolved_asset_job_definition

import operator
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._core.definitions import AssetKey
from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import RunRequest
from dagster._core.instance import DagsterInstance
from dagster._core.selector.subset_selector import parse_clause

from .asset_layer import build_asset_selection_job
from .config import ConfigMapping

    from dagster._core.definitions import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.asset_graph import InternalAssetGraph

class UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition(
            ("name", str),
            ("selection", "AssetSelection"),
                Optional[Union[ConfigMapping, Mapping[str, Any], "PartitionedConfig"]],
            ("description", Optional[str]),
            ("tags", Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]),
            ("partitions_def", Optional["PartitionsDefinition"]),
            ("executor_def", Optional["ExecutorDefinition"]),
    def __new__(
        name: str,
        selection: "AssetSelection",
        config: Optional[Union[ConfigMapping, Mapping[str, Any], "PartitionedConfig"]] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        partitions_def: Optional["PartitionsDefinition"] = None,
        executor_def: Optional["ExecutorDefinition"] = None,
        from dagster._core.definitions import (
        from dagster._core.definitions.run_config import convert_config_input

        return super(UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition, cls).__new__(
            name=check.str_param(name, "name"),
            selection=check.inst_param(selection, "selection", AssetSelection),
            description=check.opt_str_param(description, "description"),
            tags=check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags"),
                partitions_def, "partitions_def", PartitionsDefinition
            executor_def=check.opt_inst_param(executor_def, "partitions_def", ExecutorDefinition),

    def get_partition_set_def(self) -> Optional["PartitionSetDefinition"]:
        from dagster._core.definitions import PartitionedConfig, PartitionSetDefinition

        if self.partitions_def is None:
            return None

        partitioned_config = PartitionedConfig.from_flexible_config(
            self.config, self.partitions_def

        tags_fn = (
            and partitioned_config.tags_for_partition_fn
            or (lambda _: cast(Dict[str, str], {}))
        run_config_fn = (
            and partitioned_config.run_config_for_partition_fn
            or (lambda _: cast(Dict[str, str], {}))
        return PartitionSetDefinition(

    def run_request_for_partition(
        partition_key: str,
        run_key: Optional[str] = None,
        tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
        asset_selection: Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]] = None,
        run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        instance: Optional[DagsterInstance] = None,
        current_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
    ) -> RunRequest:
        """Creates a RunRequest object for a run that processes the given partition.

            partition_key: The key of the partition to request a run for.
            run_key (Optional[str]): A string key to identify this launched run. For sensors, ensures that
                only one run is created per run key across all sensor evaluations.  For schedules,
                ensures that one run is created per tick, across failure recoveries. Passing in a `None`
                value means that a run will always be launched per evaluation.
            tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A dictionary of tags (string key-value pairs) to attach
                to the launched run.
            run_config (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: Configuration for the run. If the job has
                a :py:class:`PartitionedConfig`, this value will override replace the config
                provided by it.
            current_time (Optional[datetime): Used to determine which time-partitions exist.
                Defaults to now.

            RunRequest: an object that requests a run to process the given partition.
        from dagster._core.definitions.partition import (

        partition_set = self.get_partition_set_def()
        if not partition_set:
            check.failed("Called run_request_for_partition on a non-partitioned job")

        if isinstance(partition_set.partitions_def, DynamicPartitionsDefinition):
            if not instance:
                    "Must provide a dagster instance when calling run_request_for_partition on a "
                    "dynamic partition set"

        partition = partition_set.get_partition(
            partition_key, dynamic_partitions_store=instance, current_time=current_time
        run_request_tags = (
            {**tags, **partition_set.tags_for_partition(partition)}
            if tags
            else partition_set.tags_for_partition(partition)

        return RunRequest(
            if run_config is not None
            else partition_set.run_config_for_partition(partition),

    def resolve(
        assets: Optional[Sequence["AssetsDefinition"]] = None,
        source_assets: Optional[Sequence["SourceAsset"]] = None,
        default_executor_def: Optional["ExecutorDefinition"] = None,
        asset_graph: Optional["InternalAssetGraph"] = None,
    ) -> "JobDefinition":
        """Resolve this UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition into a JobDefinition.

        The assets and source_assets arguments are deprecated. Although they were never technically
        public, a lot of users use them, so going to wait until a minor release to get rid of them.
        from dagster._core.definitions.asset_graph import AssetGraph

        if asset_graph is not None:
            if assets is not None or source_assets is not None:
                    "If providing asset_graph, can't also provide assets and source_assets, and"
                    " vice-versa."
            assets = asset_graph.assets
            source_assets = asset_graph.source_assets
            if assets is None or source_assets is None:
                    "If asset_graph is not provided, must provide both assets and source_assets"

            asset_graph = AssetGraph.from_assets([*assets, *source_assets])

        return build_asset_selection_job(
            executor_def=self.executor_def or default_executor_def,

def _selection_from_string(string: str) -> "AssetSelection":
    from dagster._core.definitions import AssetSelection

    if string == "*":
        return AssetSelection.all()

    parts = parse_clause(string)
    if not parts:
        check.failed(f"Invalid selection string: {string}")
    u, item, d = parts

    selection: AssetSelection = AssetSelection.keys(item)
    if u:
        selection = selection.upstream(u)
    if d:
        selection = selection.downstream(d)
    return selection

[docs]def define_asset_job( name: str, selection: Optional[ Union[ str, Sequence[str], Sequence[AssetKey], Sequence["AssetsDefinition"], "AssetSelection" ] ] = None, config: Optional[Union[ConfigMapping, Mapping[str, Any], "PartitionedConfig[object]"]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, partitions_def: Optional["PartitionsDefinition[Any]"] = None, executor_def: Optional["ExecutorDefinition"] = None, ) -> UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition: """Creates a definition of a job which will materialize a selection of assets. This will only be resolved to a JobDefinition once placed in a code location. Args: name (str): The name for the job. selection (Union[str, Sequence[str], Sequence[AssetKey], Sequence[AssetsDefinition], AssetSelection]): The assets that will be materialized when the job is run. The selected assets must all be included in the assets that are passed to the assets argument of the Definitions object that this job is included on. The string "my_asset*" selects my_asset and all downstream assets within the code location. A list of strings represents the union of all assets selected by strings within the list. The selection will be resolved to a set of assets once the when location is loaded. config: Describes how the Job is parameterized at runtime. If no value is provided, then the schema for the job's run config is a standard format based on its solids and resources. If a dictionary is provided, then it must conform to the standard config schema, and it will be used as the job's run config for the job whenever the job is executed. The values provided will be viewable and editable in the Dagit playground, so be careful with secrets. If a :py:class:`ConfigMapping` object is provided, then the schema for the job's run config is determined by the config mapping, and the ConfigMapping, which should return configuration in the standard format to configure the job. tags (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]): Arbitrary information that will be attached to the execution of the Job. Values that are not strings will be json encoded and must meet the criteria that `json.loads(json.dumps(value)) == value`. These tag values may be overwritten by tag values provided at invocation time. description (Optional[str]): A description for the Job. partitions_def (Optional[PartitionsDefinition]): Defines the set of partitions for this job. All AssetDefinitions selected for this job must have a matching PartitionsDefinition. executor_def (Optional[ExecutorDefinition]): How this Job will be executed. Defaults to :py:class:`multi_or_in_process_executor`, which can be switched between multi-process and in-process modes of execution. The default mode of execution is multi-process. Returns: UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition: The job, which can be placed inside a code location. Examples: .. code-block:: python # A job that targets all assets in the code location: @asset def asset1(): ... defs = Definitions( assets=[asset1], jobs=[define_asset_job("all_assets")], ) # A job that targets a single asset @asset def asset1(): ... defs = Definitions( assets=[asset1], jobs=[define_asset_job("all_assets", selection=[asset1])], ) # A job that targets all the assets in a group: defs = Definitions( assets=assets, jobs=[define_asset_job("marketing_job", selection=AssetSelection.groups("marketing"))], ) # Resources are supplied to the assets, not the job: @asset(required_resource_keys={"slack_client"}) def asset1(): ... defs = Definitions( assets=[asset1], jobs=[define_asset_job("all_assets")], resources={"slack_client": prod_slack_client}, ) """ from dagster._core.definitions import AssetsDefinition, AssetSelection # convert string-based selections to AssetSelection objects resolved_selection: AssetSelection if selection is None: resolved_selection = AssetSelection.all() elif isinstance(selection, str): resolved_selection = _selection_from_string(selection) elif isinstance(selection, AssetSelection): resolved_selection = selection elif isinstance(selection, list) and all(isinstance(el, str) for el in selection): resolved_selection = reduce( operator.or_, [_selection_from_string(cast(str, s)) for s in selection] ) elif isinstance(selection, list) and all(isinstance(el, AssetsDefinition) for el in selection): resolved_selection = AssetSelection.assets(*cast(Sequence[AssetsDefinition], selection)) elif isinstance(selection, list) and all(isinstance(el, AssetKey) for el in selection): resolved_selection = AssetSelection.keys(*cast(Sequence[AssetKey], selection)) else: check.failed( "selection argument must be one of str, Sequence[str], Sequence[AssetKey]," f" Sequence[AssetsDefinition], AssetSelection. Was {type(selection)}." ) return UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition( name=name, selection=resolved_selection, config=config, description=description, tags=tags, partitions_def=partitions_def, executor_def=executor_def, )